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“Agniveer has shown me the right perspective of life. Thank you so much.”
- Aman

“Your efforts to spread Vedic philosophy and messages are commendable.”
- Suresh Maheshwari

“Sir, continue to inspire and lead in this noble mission”
- Kevin Blaze

“I dont know if you are elder or younger in age but you are elder in wisdom. I just wanted to say GREAT WORK. It is highly appreciated.”
- Udit

“I was in darkness before two month back when I was not in contact with Agniveer. I think a golden period is about to come back again of Bharat.”
- Paras

“Agniveer! I dont have words to describe what you have added to my life through your wisdom and Karma-Yoga. I am your follower and you are the only ray of hope for all.”
- Yogesh

“It’s as if a new sun has risen. I would have been in ignorance had I not found Agniveer…”
- Mayank

“Before Agniveer I was almost LOST. But then I regained myself. Eashwar will bless you. Keep the good work going on. I will try my best to share about Agniveer with my collegues and friends.”
- Gautam

“Amazing, I feel like running after reading Agniveer! You give all the positivity we require for the day.”
- Abhishek

“Thank you very much Agniveer. I truly feel the change.”
- Prahlad

“I'd like to thank you for your efforts of re-establishing rational, truthful & peaceful thoughts. This world is greatly burdened with negativity and evils but still efforts of even one great-person like you revive mother earth to a huge extent. There's just one request to you - Please Please don't "STOP". I wish & pray to God for your success.”
- Kshitij Joshi

“I regard you and salute you – as a symbol of 21st Century Vedic Dharma!”
- Jay Maheshwari

“No wonder that you are the champs of spiritual world today, just like you were the champs of academic world during your studies when you were part of IITs and IIMs.”
- Gurudutt

“I’m so thankful I found you! I am soaking with some best stuff!”
- Uday


“When some one is comminting suicide in every 4 minutes, our society really needs this kind of work.”
- Shravak

“I was going through a tough time. But just reading Agniveer makes me feel better. Thanks a lot. Agniveer really helped me a lot.”
- Sandeep

“I was on verge of being brainwashed. Agniveer cleared my doubts. Thanks a lot.”
- Vamshidhar

“Agniveer, I really like your teachings.”

- Sana 

“I just can't thank you enough for what I have learned from Agniveer.”
- Rakesh K 

“I am an avid reader of and have got loads of inspiration from Agniveer.”
- Aditya

“When I read Agniveer, I feel like reading my principles of life.”
- Vaibhav Sankha

“Very thought provoking and enlightening.”
- Anirudh

“Reading Agniveer is a nice way to start off my day !! Koti Koti dhanyawad”
- Vishwanath Gaitonde

“I have never found anyone with such comprehensive and logical approach like Agniveer”
- Sandeep

“It is really a great job that you are doing. I am now free of all doubts.”
- Narayan P

“I can't express my feelings in words when I read Agniveer. It was as if my dream came true.”
- Sunanda Kumar

“You have given me the courage of speaking. I owe to you for the success in my debates .”
- Rahul SN

“Reading Agniveer has really helped me.”
- Rajeshkumar G

“I've spent a few hundred dollars so far on books, but in all honesty, I'm willing to spend thousands, because knowledge and truth is priceless. But Agniveer is better than everything else.”
- Jesal

“In this period of darkness you are one of the torch bearer of Vedic dharma.”
- Ganesh P

“Very good effort. Your work is comprehensive and must be praised.”
- Ashish

“I am very inspired by your work!”
- Harshvardhan

“I found Agniveer very useful for life.”
- Vijay Singh

“I was always confused but I got answers through Agniveer”
- Soumitra Ghosh

“I searched all over to get the truth, to understand the truth of Hinduism and Dharma. Then I came across Agniveer which really helped me a lot to understand my roots.”
- Akshay

“Changed my whole life, even my perceptions. Many of my friends are now following your teachings.”
- Sateesh Mulani

“Through Agniveer, all my misconceptions flushed out.”
- Amit Kushwaha

“The moment I started I could not stop reading for continous 6 hours. Its just a wonder. Changed my mind a lot!”
- Varun

“You have changed my life. I am living the Vedic way as learned from you. Millions are with you for your noble mission!”
- Sarang

“Thanks for all writings. Really, you are an Agniveer! I believe Ishwar guided me to reach you.”
- Dinesh

“Hats off to you on the great task that you have undertaken. The entire humanity if not just the followers of Vedic Dharma are eternally indebted to you.”
- Gnana Bhoomi

“You just dont know how grateful I am to you. May the good Lord transfer all my good deeds to your life. I can live with that.”
- Atish Maharaj

“Agniveer ji, I am extremely impressed by you and need your guidance.”
- Rubina

“I am really thankful to you for making me understand who I am.”
- Umesh Sharma

“Found everything through you. Very easy to understand concepts. I am extremely impressed with your efforts and the methodology you have adopted for the renaissance of Vedic Dharma.”
- Manish Rohilla

“I just want to thank you for your efforts which are absolutely selfless and amazingly helpful for people like me to realize the true path of life.”
- Ashutosh Tripathi

“Wish to congratulate you on the splendid work that you are doing. Your objectives are very laudable.
- Oshkosh 

“I am living in England. For the past year I have been reading Agniveer. I fully support you in everything you do . I am just emailing to say THANK YOU!”
- Marut

“I whole heartedly appreciate your effort in this regard, I express my deep sense of gratitude and sincere thanks. You are certainly possessed with Tejas of ‘Agni’ and Rajasic nature of a ‘Veer’.”
- Murali Mohan

“You are one of those eminent Vedic scholars who are equipped with the knowledge of modern science as well as the power of expression.”
- Dr Madhuri

“Thank you for helping me, silently but you have!”
- Nirmala Gokul

“I am scientist by profession and found your point of view about various things quite intriguing” 
- Sudhish Sharma

“I am really amazed to see that such a wonderful knowledge has been provide by Agniveer.” 
- Pawan Kumar

“Really, we (me and your many readers like me) have no words to appreciate you and your work…”
- Abhishek Arya

“I thank Agniveer for helping me in (re)discovery of the truth.”
- Rajan

“One day the Humanity will thank you for your effort to save the eternal wisdom of truth and acceptance.”
- Manohar

“Just want to say, Agniveer has changed my life. I would have been lost if it wasn't for your wisdom.”
- Prasad

“Many congratulations for your enlightened thinking and approach, our nation needs you.” 
- Zaen Durrani

“My life changed because of you. I am very much in awe of your patriotism, universal love, views, fighting spirit etc. Words are insufficient. I bow down before you for what you are doing.” 
- Ashwin Narasimhan

“I want to thank you Agniveer ji for sharing Satya Vidya (True Knowledge). Excellent work! Your teachings are very useful. Keep it up. God bless you! 
- Sharad Sharma

“Agniveer has shown me the right perspective of life. Thank u so much Agniveer ji. I am glad to say that I am able to see the change in my family after propagation of Vedic thoughts. I congratulate Agniveer for the efforts. Best Wishes!!”
- Aastika

"You really opened the eyes that were closed. Now any one can clearly look and think openly for many many years to come. Many many thanks for bringing the basic presentation so crisp and clear that clouded mind can also realize how it was distracted by distorted thinking." 
- Dr Deen B Chandora

“You are one of the few people who has had an enlightening experience in my life. Although I know nothing about you, you always remain in my prayer. May Eshwar bless you with more power, patience and courage to impact more lives towards peace and prosperity and grant you success in all your endeavors. I will always stand by your teachings. Thank you for everything.”
- Parameswara Subramanian

“Sir, we are with you. We realize that each word you say is right and our nation and society should be grateful to you for doing such a great national work.”
- Satish Sharma

“Agniveer makes me fearless person, allows me to understand Vedas, makes me a Karma Yogi.”
- Himanshu Mishra

The way I'm rediscovering my own Dharma, I'd thank you for guiding me in this maze of darkness, where the scourge of fundamentalism is threatening to take over the world….”
- Animesh Pandey, Columnist, TFI

“We all love you Sanjeev bro and we feed off your courage. .determination.. your relentless untiring effort and most importantly your passion to serve "Desh and Dharma".. Hatsoff to you b
rother !!”
- Ravi Pardeshi 

" You encouraged me to read, learn and know about our country and it's vast culture.
Thank you."
- Gayatri Gayu

“You are the sun of Dharma” - Sandeep Srivastava

“Savior of our Dharma. Continue with your noble work and all the best.”
- Sahil Shirke 

“I love Agniveer for propagating the genuine meaning of Dharma”
- Ujjwal Bhattacharya

“Agniveer is the armour protecting the Sanathana Dharma”
- Nandyala Gopikrishna 

“You are slowly turning out to be like a guru who shows us right path in this Kaliyug. When all hope is lost an Agniveer rises.” 
-Nimish Bamania 

“When unrighteousness prevails in the country, Bhagavan incarnates to establish Dharma (righeousness). I feel Agniveer is the only one spreading the noble ideals like worship, service of Humanity, peace, fearlness, honesty, etc.”
- Nandyala Gopikrishna

“I cannot even find words to thank you. I was on the right path, then strayed a bit. I could feel the loss of that subtle connection, I had with Bhagavan. Some of your pointers tell me why . Thanks again. Sri Gurubhyo namah:.”
- Bodhi Dharmi Agniveer 

“You brought me back to my roots, my culture, my motherland. Your writings have given a new direction to my aimless life which was purposeless in despite of having all the luxuries. Thank you Aginveer”
- Utkarsh

“You are a "MargDarshak" (torch-bearer) of new generation.”
- Dipankar Bhadra

“You convinced me that I am on the right path & enables me to further strengthen my belief on the need to work towards my mission of Hindu-Buddhist Dharmic Unity. Thank you! Tashi Delek! Kameng 🌺”
- Upasaka Kameng

“ Sanjeev Sir, your explanation and supporting of our culture is great. The knowledge of Hinduism you have supported is great. Thanks a lot. You are a Yogi cum Engineer and Manager. Inspiration for engineers like us, as mostly the qualifications you have is of one who will leave India, write things which you have refuted, and will complain about our culture. But you have stood ahead of all such misnomers.” 
- Pratik Ghosh

“You are one of the bright lights that guide Dharmics like me through the darkest tunnel through which Dharma is going through right now...” 
- Balaji Santhanakrishnan